Dialogue #01



18th September 2023


Department of Innovative Technologies, SUPSI


Hossein Rezai and Cesc Fàbregas

DESIGN guest


Global design director at Ramboll and founding director at Milan Research Lab, Hossein is an engineer, a design visionary, and an educator. He is one of the initiators of fusion engineering and is the first and only engineer to receive the coveted title “Designer of the Year” from the President of Singapore in his President* Design Award of 2016. 

He is passionate about the process of advanced computational design, and a holistic approach to architecture + structure + environment. Dr Rezai’s high- profile contributions to industry discourse include his involvement in the 13th cycle Aga Khan Award for Architecture’s Master Jury.

SPORT guest


A Legend of world sport, and today coach of the Primavera del Como. Cesc has graced all of football’s most prestigious stages, winning an impressive series of trophies. Among the many successes of his career, the title of UEFA European champion in 2008 and 2012 and FIFA world champion in 2010.

What stands out among his many footballing qualities is a clear tactical vision, creativity and the ability to dominate the playing space. His strong personality combines Spanish temperament with glacial English calm. Fàbregas is an extraordinary talent who will continue to excite and delight football fans from all over the world.

Keynote highlights

Dr Hossein Rezai inspired us by his keynote speech on Future of Excellence, where brought us across the spectrum from ignorance to genius. He showed us how excellence sits ambiguously at the crossroads between competence and curiosity, where existing knowledge perpetually meets the desire for more. A dynamic duality exists here between the comfort of knowing and the anxiety of not knowing.


Additionally, Dr Rezai reminded us how our built environment has been developed at a rapid pace and in contrast to the natural environment and illustrated the near destruction of terrestrial biodiversity down to 30% of what existed in 1970’s. He stressed the need of urgently bending the degenerative curve of biodiversity loss and exploring new innovative paths of regenerative future.


Adapted from Dr Rezai’s presentation on 18th September 2023.

We enjoyed inspirational insights into the importance of collaboration, the role of new technologies and the continuing learning process. We learnt from our guests how excellence is not a target, nor a destination, but a journey, and a state of being. It is not something to merely achieve, but rather to be constantly in pursuit of.